Monday, August 29, 2011

Winter Bishops

I was asked by an old friend to make some bishop dresses for her sweet little girl recently. We decided to go with featherwale corduroy for one of them with a pretty geometric design. This fabric is great for little ones because it's not too heavy and is so soft!

Winter Bishop

The other dress was to be a white dress with a Christmas smocking design. I was working on the hem of this one (which is the last step) when I realized....there were 3 holes in the front!! Ah!!! This dress is all one piece and is not lined so there's no way to fix it other than starting over. I asked did this happen? And then came my answer......ELEANOR! I remembered how she was caught making a hole in my sofa the other day with scissors and the holes in the dress look exactly the same as the one in the sofa. (see exhibits A & B below) I know you're does she keep getting her hands on scissors? But I'm telling you SHE'S SO SNEAKY! She can climb, open doors, deadbolts, drawers and undo child locks. Nothing is SAFE!!

Exhibit A....

Exhibit B....

Here's how our conversation about it went:
"Eleanor, do you see these holes in the dress mommy made?" -me
"Yes." -E
"Do you know how they got there?" -me
"Yes." -E (sounds and looks guilty already)
"Well, how did they get there?" -me
"Ummmmmm.....maybe DADDY DID IT?!?" -E

I explained to her how hard mommy worked on the dress and asked her how she would feel if I cut holes in her treasured "art work." She said she would be sad and promised not to make any more holes anywhere. I guess all I can do now is have a glass of wine and start over!

*Side note*
To top this day off my 7 month old started doing this today.....



  1. OMG Marlee! I DIE that story is hilarious! I think I would have just laid in the floor and cried over that dress! ha Can't believe you are about to have TWO walkers on your hands!

  2. and also, where are you buying that fabric? I looked EVERYWHERE last year for some to make soft cord pants for peebs and never found it!

  3. Hey Laura! I usually buy my fabric at the local fabric stores here in Birmingham but you can find the same thing online if you know what you're looking for. The corduroy I like to use for the little ones is called "featherwale" corduroy and it comes in lots of colors! You can find it here:
